Thursday, July 30, 2009

A little Q & A

Here's a little Q & A... first, a question to me.

Q: All the young farts around here might understand the difference between a static website and a blog, but I'm not sure I do (I doubt I'm alone in that). Help us understand how they relate to each other, and the specific needs each might meet.

A: Great question. In a nutshell, a blog is a series of individual posts in reverse chronological order. The newest is on top. (Okay, so if you go to our blog you see that there's a post which has been on top forever. That's because I dated it in the future because I wanted it to stay on top for a while. I like the picture). Also, with a blog it's easy to feed the posts to a RSS feed or an email address (I'm willing to bet that if you live in our little community, you're reading this by email). A static website, such as I'm proposing at here is good for content that doesn't change frequently. For instance, I'd love to have the bylaws posted electronically along with the buyer's package. Those don't change much and are good for a static website. If you'd like to see the difference (maybe), you can check out my little piece of the Internet at

Now, you might be wondering why we don't have a cool web address like that. Simple: we just haven't bought one yet. At the moment, both our website and our blog are free, thanks to Google. We could spend a couple of bucks a year for a unique URL (website address), but other than that, there's no reason to shell out any money. Everything at my little piece of the Internet (aside from the custom URL) is free...

Now, a couple of questions to the president of the homeowners' board.

Q: I have some some furniture that I want to get rid of. I've seen some furniture just left on the street. What's the deal.

A: The City does bulk wast pickup (see here). Only one item at a time should be left out in front of one’s unit on the day of bulk pick up but it is very important to call bulk pick up first to find out what day they will pick up and leave it out that day only or no sooner than the evening before.

Q: What do I do if I have more than one vehicle? Where can I park it if I can't use the extra parking here in Crawford Bay?

A: I know several people who have more than 2 vehicles who rent spaces in one of the parking garages in Olde Towne. Everyone was told they only have 2 spaces when they purchased their units. I feel it is inconsiderate to park in spots that the unit is for sale. If an agent wants to bring a prospective buyer it does not leave them a convenient place to park. Would you park in someone’s garage if their house was vacant and for sale? Also, you may also park on anywhere in Olde Towne (such as on Middle or North Streets) if you have a parking sticker on your car. As a resident here at Crawford Bay, you are also an Olde Towne resident and entitled to parking stickers for your cars. Parking permits are available at City Hall.

Q: When is the next board meeting?

A: The August board meeting will be held this Monday night, August 3rd in unit 139. The homeowner’s forum begins at 6:30.

Board meeting this coming Monday

To all, the August board meeting is MONDAY, August 3, 2009, at 6:30 PM at unit 139...

My apologies to all for the delay in posting (Rosemary got word to me four days ago); I've been on staycation...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Building a new website for Crawford Bay

I'm putting together a static website to complement this blog. You can find the site here. Let me know what you think ought to be on the website.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Meeting Announcement -- July 2009 Board Meeting: Monday, July 13th

The July 2009 Board of Directors meeting will be held Monday, July 13th, at 6:30PM in unit 139...

Board of Directors - Minutes of the May 14th Meeting

Crawford Bay at Olde Towne
Board of Directors Meeting
May 14, 2009

Members Present - David Warren, Frank Wright, John Park , and Rob Poellnitz.  Rosemary Dorow of GSH Management was present.

Homeowner’s Forum – Attended by Benny Forsythe, Debbie Rosso, Teresa Park, and David Zimmer.
No comments from attendees.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board meeting were previously approved prior to the meeting and distributed by the managing agent.

Meeting with maintenance contractor – Mike Frady of On Target Home Services was asked to attend the board meeting to discuss questions specifically about “double-paying” for work items on the maintenance contract vs. emergent work that required his attention.
  • The Board asked Mr. Frady to provide an estimate for the work that he believes will be required in the community beyond the work stipulated in the maintenance contract
  • Mike voiced concerns about payment being held up by the AR committee for mortar work that is not part of the maintenance contract
  • Mr. Frady has asked to be present for any inspections of his work by the AR committee
  • MR. Frady discussed concerns about the powder coated railings rusting.  Met with VanWinn Coatings to determine what was causing the problem.  It was determined that the rust is a direct result of the railings being hollow and not completely sealed.  He reported that it would cost an additional $250-$300 to seal weld the existing baluster bases.
  • The Board asked Benny Forsythe for any referrals for window replacements
  • Mike also reported that Ms. Buxton’s 2nd floor ceiling appears to be water tight and that the 3rd floors stills seems to be leaking around the chimney

Treasurer’s Report – Rosemary presented the report from an email from Frank as of 5/11/09:

  1. Checking account balance  $2,805.81
  2. CD balance (9760)  $15,539.97
  3. CD balance (9779)  $45,778.88
  4. Loan balance   $35,241.59

Frank report that both CD’s had matured and the full amount ($61,323.24) is now in CD (9760)

It was also reported that based upon a shortage of funds in the operating account, that no funds were transferred to the reserves for the second month in a row.

Committee Reports –
  • Rules and Variance - Nothing to report
  • Community Activities – Nothing to report
  • Community Watch – Nothing to report.

Manager’s Report – Rosemary distributed and reviewed the income summary and addendum.  Balance on the Operating Budget as of 516/2009 is $2,228.38. 

Rosemary reported that she has been unsuccessful in receiving a response form Les at Araden for the outstanding repair work that has yet to be completed.

The maintenance document was reviewed buy the group.

Old Business:

David presented the principles for managing the investment of the reserve funds.  It was moved that the document be approved and it was confirmed by unanimous vote.

Three quotes for the parking lot repair were received and reviewed.  Action was deferred to after the installment of the new board of directors.

New Business:

The next meting, the Annual Meeting, was confirmed for 6/4/2009 at 6:30.

David asked all board members to submit their intention to run for the board in the coming year to Rosemary no later than May 1, 2009.

The Board discussed unit(s) that were in arrears with their dues during closed executive session.

There was no other business discussed and the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by

Rob Poellnitz, Secretary

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Board Installed

The new homeowners' association board has been installed. Our new leadership:
  • Debbie Rosso – President

  • Carole Garrett – Secretary

  • Frank Wright – Treasurer

  • John Park - Member-at-large

  • Mike Reagan – Member-at-large

Board meetings are tentatively scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM at unit 139... however, the meeting for July is likely going to be Monday, July 13th.