Friday, September 18, 2009

Board Meeting Minutes for September 2009

Crawford Bay Condo Association
Board of Directors Meeting
September 8, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Members present: Debbie Rosso, Mike Reagan, Frank Wright and Carole Garrett

Homeowners' Forum: Rob Poellnitz and Andy Hecker

Rob Poellnitz presented the members of the Board with the history of his shed from his offer to purchase his property......he distributed pictures. A citation from the City of Portsmouth was responded to by the presiding Board (2006) by repairing only what the city required and not addressing the real issues, rotted wood, etc. This was decided at the time due to lack of funds. Frank Wright agreed that the shed was in need of repair when he was renting the unit. Since the previous Board had committed to repairing/rebuilding the shed the current Board will honor that commitment. When more urgent problems are addressed this will be pursued.

It was noted that David Warren, Past President, had sent a letter to homeowners stating that the association is not responsible for limited common elements, which includes decks, sheds and fences.

Andy Hecker asked the Board if it had gotten a legal opinion regarding the interpretation of the by-laws with regard to limited common elements. He said they are somewhat confusing. Frank Wright stated that we need to find a legal counsel we can have confidence in. Our previous legal counsel did not properly represent us. Debbie Rosso said that we plan to have a condo association attorney work with us on new by-laws during the winter.

Frank Wright explained that in the past the homeowner’s forum had been too formal and that the new Board is changing that; all homeowners are welcome to attend the meeting and give us their ideas and suggestions.

The August 2009 minutes were approved previously by e-mail. Carole Garrett, Secretary, was asked to talk to Peter Stinson regarding a link to old minutes.

Frank Wright distributed the treasurer's report. He said he still needs to contact Rosemary Dorow regarding obtaining the money we transferred to reserves.

We are going to receive a proposal from Forsythe Caulking Co to caulk the roofs in the hopes of stopping leaks.

The Managing Agent's reports had been submitted to the Board prior to the meeting.

There was a discussion regarding late fees......they are always kept by the Managing Agency.

Andy Hecker asked if we plan to keep our old contractors. We advised him that we are replacing them and we will annually be reviewing every contract we have. He also asked about contractors' insurance certificates. We advised him that we are getting them from every contractor.

The budget preparation was discussed. Mike Reagan and Frank Wright will take responsibility for roughing out a budget to be approved by the Board.

We discussed changing the way we currently pay our insurance premiums so as to distribute the expenditures more evenly throughout the year.

Debbie Rosso has requested a budget from H.E. Moore and will submit it to Mike Reagan and Frank Wright for inclusion in the budget.

Debbie Rosso said we still have to take care of 3rd floor balcony leaks. It was also noted that Bobette Ogle has decking on her 3rd floor balcony and indicated that she prefers it to tile. It was suggested that Ms. Ogle give the Board a letter stating that this is her may prevent a future issue.

There was some discussion with regard to The Select Group. Following discussion Frank Wright made a motion to approve The Select Group as the managing agent. Mike Reagan seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously. Debbie Rosso will sign the contract with The Select Group on September 9, 2009. Frank Wright requested that we meet with our new agent prior to the October meeting.

Mike Reagan said that he and John Park had not yet had the opportunity to check under Unit 159. Debbie Rosso suggested that we talk to the City Engineer, Richard Hartman about the water problems.

Debbie Rosso said that we need to make a decision about replacing the rotted wood on the balconies regarding type of material and offered to store it in their shop so we could purchase it at one time. She will circulate the estimates by e-mail.

Debbie Rosso had a discussion with John Park regarding checking the work of all contractors who work on this property. The Board agreed that this should be done.

Debbie Rosso said she had sent in the letter to dissolve the corporation.

It was reported that the landscaping had been discussed and Rick is willing to plant whatever we want. He will be giving us a new proposal for monthly services.

Andy Hecker asked about the plans for the parking lot........Debbie Rosso said we are in the process of getting proposals for the work.

There was discussion regarding the diseased trees by The Cocke's unit (Bldg.# 3). Debbie Rosso said she would call Number One Crawford since two of the trees belong to them. She had received estimates for tree cutting of various trees around the complex of $ 975 and $1350. Since there is no immediate danger the matter was tabled temporarily.

The October board meeting will be held on October 13th.

Frank Wright made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mike Reagan seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

These are minutes are posted as received from the Board President on 9/18/2009.

Board Meeting Minutes from the Meeting held August 3rd, 2009 & July 2009

Crawford Bay Condo Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 3, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Members present: Debbie Rosso, Carole Garrett, Frank Wright, Mike Reagan, John Park....... Rosemary Dorow, Association Manager, also attended.

Homeowners' Forum: Teresa Park, David Warren, Peter Stinson, David Zimmer

Our insurance representative, Tom Hoddinott, from State Farm Insurance, spoke about condo insurance. We currently are insured for $5,723,400.00. He distributed brochures and info which itemize individual buildings and deductibles. According to Mr. Hoddinott "everything that can happen to a condo is covered." We have a $5,000.00 deductible per incident. Mr. Hoddinott noted that there is a 2% deductible per building for a named hurricane. Regarding liability, we have coverage of $ 1,000,000....the Board is covered.....we also have an extra umbrella policy of $1,000,000. Mr. Hoddinott stated that each individual policy should have loss assessment coverage and recommended $20,000. The additional coverage is inexpensive. Mr. Hoddinott explained that a homeowner can file a claim under master policy without going through the Board. David Zimmer requested that Mr. Hoddinott send out brochures to the owners explaining condo insurance.

Mr. Hoddinott stated that our insurance covers replacement. Frank Wright suggested that at a later date we should check to see if we need to increase our coverage due to increased building costs.

David Zimmer asked about flood insurance. Mr. Hoddinott said homeowners should have extra insurance only for contents.

Peter Stinson will post documents regarding coverage on the website.

David Zimmer restated his concerns regarding incorporation and the tax implications. Mr. Zimmer believes it is important to take steps to extinguish the corporation rather than just allowing it to expire.

David Warren referred to his letter to Board members regarding his deck repair and limited common elements. Mr. Warren feels that the Board should adhere to the way past boards have handled repairs and suggested that a radical change would have repercussions. Following considerable discussion it was the consensus of the Board that David Warren is to be responsible for having his deck repaired. Debbie Rosso offered the Board's assistance in helping him find a contractor but he declined the offer.

Frank Wright distributed the Treasurer's Report.

Rosemary Dorow gave the Managing Agent's report. There was some discussion about the way it should be presented. Ms. Dorow agreed to make suggested changes.

Debbie Rosso reported that Peter Stinson is updating our website with regard to house rules.

Rosemary Dorow distributed 2009 budget with notations as to where we currently stand on each line item. Ms. Dorow stated that we should start working on the 2010 budget in October.

It needs to be formulated and sent to homeowners by the first of the calendar year.

Rosemary Dorow distributed the maintenance log. There was a lengthy discussion regarding work to be done to third floor balcony of Unit 107. Since we were previously committed to this repair we must have the work completed. Mike Reagan moved that Aarden be given the job of repairing 107. Carole Garrett seconded the motion. Frank Wright abstained.

The motion was passed.

Rosemary Dorow gave an update regarding payments in arrears.

Debbie Rosso reported that the pressure washing work would be done very soon.

Under Old Business, there was considerable discussion regarding incorporation. Carole Garrett made a motion to extinguish corporation pending the signatures of three former Board members. Mike Reagan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Frank Wright reported that BB&T does not do a line of credit for associations. Mike Reagan suggested that the reason the by-laws revision was not approved last year was because it gave too much power to the Board with regard to making loans and a line of credit would be considered a loan. Rosemary Dorow also recommended that we pay off the loan. John Park moved that we pay off the loan and not apply for a line of credit. Frank Wright asked that the motion be amended making it possible for him (Frank Wright) to complete this transaction with only his signature. Mike Reagan then made a motion that Frank Wright be allowed to complete the transaction to pay off the loan. Debbie Rosso seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

A discussion ensued as to how much money to put into the reserve account since we would now have no more loan payments. Mike Reagan moved that we transfer $3,000.00 to our reserve account. Frank Wright seconded the motion. There was some discussion. Motion passed unanimously.

Sewage problems were discussed. The line is currently snaked out every six months so it was agreed we would not do anything immediately.

Under New Business, H. E. Moore proposal was reviewed. Changes were made to the original proposal. Mike Reagan moved that we hire H.E.

Moore Services if the changes were agreed to by H.E. Moore Services. Frank Wright seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

A letter to the homeowners regarding limited common elements is being worked on by John Park and will be circulated to the Board.

The Board agreed to change meetings to the second Tuesday of each month.

John Park initiated a discussion regarding tenants being made aware of by-laws and house rules; other issues such as rental inspections were discussed. Tenants should be told to have renter's insurance. Tenants should be encouraged to attend board meetings. The owner of each unit is ultimately responsible for his or her tenants.

Parking issues and complaints were discussed. Rosemary Dorow is to contact owner of Unit 111 to see if her permission had been given for other unit owners to park in her spaces.

Frank Wright informed Rosemary Dorow that the Board felt it necessary to make a management change. Rosemary Dorow said this should be done in writing. This will be handled appropriately.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.

These minutes are posted 9/18/2009 as received via email 9/9/2009 from the Board President.

Crawford Bay at Olde Towne Board of Directors Meeting July 13, 2009 Minutes

Members present – Debbie Rosso, Frank Wright, John Park, Mike Reagan, Carole Garrett. Rosemary Dorow, Project Manager, also attended.

Homeowners’ Forum - attended by: Teresa Park, Nancy Cherry, David Zimmer, Ben Forsythe.

The minutes from the annual meeting held on June 4, 2009 were not available.

Debbie Rosso opened the meeting by stating out goals are to: maintain the appearance of the condos, keep property in good repair, work toward increasing out financial stability, and enforce the house rules.

Homeowner’ Forum – David Zimmer addressed the issue of incorporation; raising the question as to validity of forming new corporation when old entity still exists. He explained that we need to correct deficiencies in by-laws to conform to federal tax regulations. He discussed private letter rulings – only CPA’s or tax attorneys can handle. He also raised questions about our insurance coverage. Would we be covered individually or collectively? Should we obtain more insurance or dissolve entity formed? This issue was tabled until August meeting when our insurance agent, Tom Hoddinott will be attending.

Frank Wright commented that the attorney we previously had, Sarah Palmara, did not do a good job representing us. We will actively look for a new attorney familiar with condo rules and regulations.

Treasurer’s report – Frank Wright advised the board members to refer to his e-mail report. He did state that there had been no drain on reserve funds. Frank Wright suggested that since out reserve funds (CD’s) were earning a nominal amount of interest we consider paying off our loan with BB&T in full. We could then arrange for a line of credit in the amount of $50,000.00 for emergencies only. Frank Wright and Debbie Rosso will meet with BB&T to discuss these issues.

Mike Reagan raised the issue of limited common elements as stated in the by-laws. A very lengthy discussion ensued. Following the discussion; Rosemary Dorow gave the Manager’s Report, and asked how we wished to handle bills submitted by On Target, David Warren’s very unsafe back deck and Rob Poellnitz’s shed and leaks. Again there followed a lengthy discussion.

Debbie Rosso will appoint someone to work with her to review On Target’s bills to see if we do owe anything since On Target was paid for work not completed by the previous board.

Frank Wright moved that we send a letter to David Warren advising him that we plan to enforce the by-laws regarding limited common elements. A letter should be sent advising him that he should have the work done himself or the board will get the work done and bill him. This must be done within 60 days. Carole Garrett seconded the motion and it was voted on and unanimously passed. Rosemary Dorow was directed to draft and send a letter to the Warrens advising them of our decision. Debbie Rosso suggested that in this letter we tell them that under no circumstance is anyone to go on their deck until the problem is corrected.

Frank Wright suggested an annual review of the management contract.

The problems at Unit 159 were addressed. Debbie Rosso made the comment that the water problem has not been resolved and OnTarget should not have been paid. Rosemary added that On Target should be paid because they did as they were supposed to: dig the hole, fill it back up, but that left the problem still unsolved. This item will be on the August agenda.

Rosemary Dorow said that from now on the only bills that Prudential will pay without board approval are as follows:
Management fee
Insurance bills
Monthly yard maintenance
The board agreed that any bills will be approved before payment. The entire board agreed that we are very happy with our current yard service.

Rosemary Dorow asked about Andrews Roofing’s bills. Board agreed to pay them with the notation that Board felt the hourly rate was too high and Rosemary Dorow should have questioned it before presenting it to the Board.

Rosemary Dorow asked the Board what to do about the 3rd floor balcony on Unit 107. This will be looked into and discussed at the August meeting.

The discussion then came back to limited common elements. Rosemary Dorow suggested that we are allowed to have planning meetings. The Board needs to decide how to handle a letter to the homeowners apprising them of the enforcement of the by-laws. Carole Garrett suggested that we point out in our letter that this means we will not have to continue to have assessments and will be able to fund the reserves. A planning meeting will be held prior to the August meeting to decide how to handle this situation.

The next regular board meeting will be held on August 3, 2009 at 6:30p.m. at Frank Wright’s house.

The meeting adjourned at 10:20p.m.

DRAFT Minutes from the Annual Meeting held June 4th, 2009

Crawford Bay at Olde Towne
Community Annual Meeting
June 4, 2009

Board Members Present - David Warren, Frank Wright, John Park , Franklin Marzullo and Rob Poellnitz. Rosemary Dorow of GSH Management was present.

Unit owners present / proxies represented – 101, 103, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 137, 139, 143, 145, 147, 155, 157, 159

* 24 ballots; 15 homeowners present + 9 proxies

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the previous year’s annual Meeting were not located, therefore no approval was required.

President’s report – David Warren distributed his report to the group and delivered the content to the group. A summary of the past year’s accomplishments included:

* Established community committees which became active. Of note the AR Committee and the Community Welfare and activities Committee
* New web page created by Peter Stinson (
* Change in deductible for condo master hazard policy
* Completed reserve projects
* Established 15 month maintenance contract with On Target Home Services
* Ceased doing business with Araden Contracting
* Crawford Bay at Olde Towne became incorporated
* Established best financial practices for the community
* Developed a policy statement for investment for the reserve funds

Treasurer’s Report
– Frank Wright presented his annual summary of the Community’s financials. His report included:

* A narrative covering a summary of the financial statements
* The financials outlining a breakdown of the income and expenses in the reserve account
* A summary of the monies in the checking; CD and loan accounts with BB&T
1. Checking account balance as of 6/2/2009 - $2,805.81
2. Treasury CD balance as 6/2/2009 - $61,323.24
* In late 2007, the Board committed to a discipline of transferring $1,500 per month from the Operating Account to the Reserve Account. This was accomplished through February 2009. Since that time no transfers have been made due to the unusually high demands for maintenance expenditures on the Operating Account

It was moved that the report be approved and it was unanimously approved by the attendees.

Managing Agent’s Report – Rosemary Dorow distributed a package to the attendees that included a summary of the Operating Account with detail of expenditures.

* Funds owed to the Association as of 5/31/2009 - $1,630.00
* Outstanding balance of loan as of 5/22/2009 - $33,923.89 (maturity date 12/8/2010)
* Income Summary balance as of 5/31/2009 - $9.38
* Summary of 2009 Operating Budget with year-to-date expenses as of 5/31/2009 was also distributed and reviewed

Questions and Answers:

1. From Teresa Park: Questioned the quality of the fence and shed repairs to her unit. She asked if there was any recourse against the contractor (Araden) that Performed the work. Davis responded that the Board was looking into that.

2. Mike Davis: Requested a verbal summary of the financials(a what does this mean to the Community) which David suggested a special assessment may be required in order to meet all the obligations and required maintenance for at Crawford Bay during this budget cycle.

There were no other questions

David Warren thanked Franklin Marzullo, John Park and Rob Poellnitz for their service on the Board this past term.

Election of Board of Directors for 2009-2010:

* Rosemary offered the names of the community members who were on the ballot. They were:
1. Carol Garrett
2. Mike Regan
3. Debbie Rosso
4. David Warren
5. Frank Wright
* David Warren solicited any nominations to the ballot. Debbie Rosso nominated John Park and he agreed to have his name added to the ballot
* Each candidate was asked to share their qualifications with the group and in turn (David Zimmer spoke for Mike Regan), each candidate presented to the group
* The vote was conducted and the results were tabulated by Rosemary Dorow and Brian Freeman
* The new board members were announced to the group. They are:

1. Debbie Rosso (President)
2. Carol Garrett
3. Mike Regan
4. Frank Wright
5. John Park

There was no other business discussed and the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by

Rob Poellnitz, Secretary (outgoing)

Posted 9/18/2009 as received 9/10/2009 from the Board President. These minutes are draft minutes. Homeowner annual meeting minutes must be approved by a quorum of homeowners and will be presented for acceptance at the next homeowner's meeting.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Notice from the President of the Homeowners' Association

Change of Property Manager
As of September 30, 2009 Prudential Towne will no longer be the property manager for Crawford Bay. The board will vote on the proposed new management company, The Select Group, at its September 8th meeting being held at Frank Wright’s home in Unit 139 at 6:30 p.m. The board has interviewed several management companies and spoken with The Select Group’s references. Your October condo fee payment should not be sent to Prudential Towne and you will be advised of where to send your payment in the near future.

The newly elected board has worked diligently on many areas during the past few months for the betterment of our community. We are working our way through many long term challenges. The board is working hard so please try to thank them when you see them out and about for the hours they spend working for us! Below are some of the things we have accomplished in a short period of time.

GREAT NEWS - We are debt free! The loan was paid off on August 4, 2009. This enables us to add to the reserve account to increase its balance.

NEW MAINTENANCE CREW – You may have noticed that Henry “Skeeter” Moore and his son Dennis have been cleaning, prepping, priming, painting and caulking our windows and doors and making some exterior repairs. They both will be working 40 hours each week for the next few months at our complex and using rainy days to work in their shop to re-screen the screens for the windows, work on the wood and iron for the balconies, work on repairing our current signage, etc. They are conscientious and are doing a thorough job. We feel lucky to have them working with us. Please feel free to thank them when you see them and let them know that we appreciate what they are doing for us. (Note: They both have a sweet tooth so if you ever bake some goodies, surely they would love a treat now and then.)

LEAKS – Many long time, unattended leaks have been identified and repaired after many hours of investigation!!! We know that we have more to deal with, we apologize if we have not yet repaired yours, we thank you for your patience but we will get to anyone still having problems very soon if you have contacted the new board.

SIDEWALKS AND PORCHES - We had the sidewalks, steps and porches pressure washed – they look much better and we hope to keep it up as needed. Skeeter and Dennis repaired the bricks in the sidewalk along Crawford Parkway – the sidewalk was hazardous and now looks great and is safe! They did a great job.

LANDSCAPING - Rick’s crew will be working on the landscaping this fall and spring planting, transplanting, mulching, etc. to make our grounds look much, much better after years of minimum attention.

Thanks – Carole, Debbie, Frank, John, and Mike

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September Board Meeting: September 8th

The next Board meeting is Tuesday, September 8, at 6:30 PM at unit 139.