Friday, May 1, 2009

Minutes from Board Meeting of 16 April 2009

Crawford Bay at Olde Towne
Board of Directors Meeting
April 16, 2009

Members Present - David Warren, Franklin Marzullo, John Park , and Rob Poellnitz. Rosemary Dorow of Prudential Towne Realty was present.

Homeowner’s Forum – Attended by Benny Forsythe, Teresa Park, and Erica Freeman.

No comments from attendees.

Approval of Minutes – According to the new process, the minutes from the Board meeting were previously approved prior to the meeting and distributed by the managing agent.

Treasurer’s Report – David presented the report provided by Frank as of 3/26/09:

Checking account balance $5,187.80
CD balance (9760) $15,539.97
CD balance (9779) $45,000
Loan balance $35,241.59

Committee Reports

Rules and Variance – Erica voiced concerns about overlap in the maintenance contract and contracts awarded to Mike Frady for repairs.
Community Activities – Nothing to report
Community Watch – Nothing to report.

Manager’s Report – Rosemary distributed and reviewed the income summary and addendum. Balance on the Operating Budget as of 4/16/2009 is $2,200.62. David noted to the board that in light of tight funds in the operating budget, no money transfer had been made to the reserve fund.

Several board members showed concern at the rate that the operating budget is being spent, primarily for required repairs. To date, $31,117.59 had been spend of the $93,600 budgeted for 2009.

It was requested that the Rosemary ask Mike Frady to provide a more detailed breakout of his bid documents (specifically outlining materials)in order to determine if in-fact there is a “double pay” situation.

The maintenance document was reviewed by the group.

David requested that Rosemary obtain the warranty information for the gutters in the community from ARADEN.

Rob requested an update of the estimates / work for the sheds on units 101and 103.

Old Business:

David presented the final Board Resolution of Financial Practices to the board for final signature. The Resolution was signed into effect.

The annual meeting of Crawford Bay Condominiums will be held on June 4, 2009, at One Crawford Parkway.

According to the reserve study, the next major project for the Association will be parking lot maintenance. Rosemary was asked to begin the process to receive 3 bids for this work prior to the next meeting.

Erica Freeman voiced concerns about the sewer pipes around her unit backing up and asked that the issue be addressed

New Business:

The next board meeting was set for May 14, 2009.

David asked all board members to submit their intention to run for the board in the coming year to Rosemary no later than May 1, 2009.

The Board discussed unit(s) that were in arrears with their dues during closed executive session

There was no other business discussed and the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by

Rob Poellnitz, Secretary