Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Present: Debbie Rosso, Mike Reagan, John Park, Frank Wright, Carole Garrett and Gayle Pinero, Managing Agent

Homeowners’ Forum: Teresa Park, Nancy Cherry, David Zimmer

The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m.

The minutes of the June 2010 meeting had been approved electronically.

President’s Report:
Debbie Rosso reported that repairs were made to units 143 and 145. The repairs are to be paid out the proceeds allocated from State Farm for the wind damage claim from the November Nor’Easter. Other roofs repairs were made as well but are the Associations responsibility.

Teresa Park reported that she had replaced her third floor balcony door with sliding doors and they were working very well and preventing leaks.

Financial Report:
Frank Wright distributed copies of the July 2010 report. Mr. Wright commented that we need to direct Select Group to catch up the $3,345.83 replacement reserve. In addition to the May payment, if there is enough money, we should also make the June payment. Mr. Wright said while we haven’t discussed combining our reserve accounts it is his opinion that we leave them as they are for now.

The 2009 audit could not be done because we are still missing information from GSH. We need a letter from The Select Group addressed to loan a officer at Towne Bank in order to obtain the information we need from them to proceed with the audit.
Mr. Wright stated that he is not satisfied with the method of paying invoices and would like to sit down with The Select Group to inquire about their payment process.
He also said we need a breakdown of expenses that exceed our regular monthly payment to The Select Group.
He asked about the cost of the manager’s meeting package……Ms. Pinero said we are not charged for this package.

Management Report:
Ms. Pinero distributed copies of the management report and gave an overview of its contents.

Ms. Pinero asked for the Board’s approval of a letter from Thomas and Associates to be sent to the four recipients of insurance payments who have not yet signed off on their insurance settlement. It was suggested that we should send bank drafts with the letters.

There was discussion of the response to David Warren’s question regarding running his AC lines under his neighbor’s unit. Even though the by-laws are clear that the Board can make these decisions it would be better to have a legal opinion from the attorney.

Miller-Dodson’s proposal for a reserve study was discussed. There was discussion as to the possibility of obtaining other bids. It was suggested, and it was the consensus, that it would be better to stay with Miller-Dodson.
We will give them a copy of the inspection from Investigate Inspection Services that was just completed and also apprise them of the correct responsibility regarding limited common elements and common elements. In the past, they were given incorrect information. David Zimmer offered to e-mail the Board his copy of the last reserve study to the Board for review and corrections.

There was a discussion about the status of the towing issue. It was decided that it should be complaint drive by homeowners….everyone agreed. Ms. Pinero was directed to send a letter to homeowners explaining how this will work and asking homeowners to let management know in writing if they have given permission for anyone to park in their designated spaces.

Ms. Rosso directed Ms. Pinero to notify homeowners of the changes in our insurance policy.

There was discussion about pumping sewage lines……Mike Reagan suggested that we wait since no one is currently having a problem and he examined the size of our lines and felt that they are adequate. The repairs on Crawford should have a positive effect on our system.

Repairs to walkways discussed…….decision tabled for now.

New Business:
Frank Wright made a motion to direct Select Group to make a payment of $3,345.83 to fund the May 2010 replacement reserve and to evaluate funds to see if it is possible to pay the same amount for the June 2010 replacement reserve immediately. Mike Reagan seconded the motion; it passed unanimously.

Old Business:
The roof situation was discussed and it was decided to hold another meeting with all homeowners after they have reviewed the inspection report from Investigate Inspection Services. Mike Reagan made a motion to table the discussion for now; Frank Wright seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Carole Garrett made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mike Reagan seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m..

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