Friday, October 2, 2009


The October board meeting will be held on October 13, 2009 @ 6:30 p.m.
Please meet us in unit 129. We will post the agenda on the blog next week.

Our new agent, Gayle Pinero from "The Select Group" will be attending the meeting.


I. Homeowner’s Forum (6:30 p.m.)
II. Business Meeting (6:45 p.m.)
A. Approval of minutes from the September 2009 board meeting
B. Treasurer’s Report
C. New Managing Agent – Gayle Pinero with The Select Group Get acquainted with
the board, present an overview of what she will do for Crawford Bay and
review what will be discussed at the November board/homeowner’s meeting
such as the by-laws and house rules
D. Old Business
1. Mike Reagan – water issues on Gaskins Lane and sewage problems
2. Debbie Rosso – maintenance reports and updates on maintenance contractor,
lawn service, new plumbing company (Performance Plumbing aka plumber with
a brain)
E. New Business
1. Jetting bill and lift station proposal (for sewage problems)
2. Proposal from Forsythe Caulking to caulk and seal the roofs and chimneys
3. Discuss painting the roofs
4. Discuss new bonding law that will affect Crawford Bay
5. Discuss parking decals
6. Discuss asking homeowners who do not have stained glass in their transoms
to install numbers for identification like some others have
7. Discuss new website
F. November Board meeting to be held at #1 Crawford
G. Adjourn

Debbie Rosso will email all on her homeowner’s list and post to the blog ( an invitation to strongly encourage all homeowners and renters to attend the November board/homeowner’s meeting being held at #1 Crawford at 6:30 pm on November 10th. The board will introduce Gayle Pinero and she will explain the enforcement of the by-laws and house rules that will affect everyone living at Crawford Bay.

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